Saturday, September 23, 2017


How important it is for the heart to see a future.  We all desperately long to see with our eyes what is to come... but that isn't how it works!  Seeing, for me personally as a woman of faith, becomes something we do with our hearts and maybe a bit with our imagination.  It is trusting that the pieces that are missing right now will indeed be found and put in their right place--and might I add, without fully seeing the end picture!  I call it faith and I can not help but think of Jer. 29:11...

"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future!" (the sentence structure is most assuredly mine as I stink at grammar and that exclamation point is definitely how I feel about this declaration from the Lord).

Thank heavens.  I can REST in that.  Life is most certainly a whirlwind, no?  I mean, as soon as you think you've unwound the mess, you find that it's swirling all around you again with tons of things, once again, up in the air!  It's been like that here for a solid 13 years (that would be my entire parenthood so far)!

All that to say... I won't bore you with the details, but the end results and realizations have been great... and ironically scriptural.  Everyone has an innate need to paint for themselves visions of the future.  With out the future, we start to lose hope.  Without hope, comes depression.  HOPE is essential...  to life, to living...  for mood, for forward movement in life... for productivity and satisfaction.

Stagnation is not a place that the world wants to be.  I do believe our creator made it that way.  Comfort.  Contentment.  Yes, those are "places" that we should try to find our way to.  But believe it or not we can be comfortable and content in the midst of the whirlwind.  In the midst of the ever moving toward a goal.  And I am finding that ability to not simply survive, but to look ahead and begin to paint a picture of a future.  I must say it is life giving, refreshing, joyful!  It's the most obvious step beyond survival mode... that space where sooo much of special needs mothering lives and breathes!

Excited about the steps beyond survival!

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